Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Reflection on the Timetable Worksheet

Last Friday we had an activity where we placed the events of World War I in the correct chronological order. The fact that we had the opportunity to get extra credit on the test made me ever more determined to get this right. However, at first glance, the worksheet might as well have been written in a completely different language because I was utterly confused. It seemed to me that all of these events occurred so close to eachother that there was no way for me to put them in the correct order. As I continued to stare intently at the worksheet, and with Dan's help, we were able to work out what order these events had occurred. We figured that M.A.I.N. was the first event to take place because it was those four reasons which provided the catalyst for the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. The rest of the sheet was not as bad as I initially thought, and we were able to place most of them in the correct order. The only problem was that when we had one of our events placed in the wrong order, the rest of them were all off by one. I think this worksheet helped me get a better grip on what happened during World War I and also proved to be an amusing change from the norm. I definitely would not mind doing activities such as this because not only is it fun but it also helps me learn better.

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